As time goes on, the importance of data visualization is only going to grow and pretty soon knowing how to present data in an effective and persuasive manner is going to become a necessary skills for everyone.
There’s nothing worse than sitting through a slog of data presentation, and everyone knows how compelling data can be when presented in an effective way. With some careful planning, you too can present data in a persuasive way that won’t have people checking their watches every few minutes.

Presenting Data Should Be Compelling
Set Up The Scenario
It’s never a great idea to start out a presentation by immediately shoving a graph or charts in their faces. It’s always a good idea to make a quick deck. It’s more visually appealing and can be used as a takeaway that can be circulated around easily internally. Make everything as visual as possible. This way, people can follow logically before you even start talking about results.
Present Your Data Cleanly & Simply
When it comes to presenting data, keeping it simple is always the best way to go. By trying to make things overly complicated or fancy, you will find that it’s easy to get the message muddled and your listeners won’t have a clear idea of what you’re trying to present. Simple is always better.
Have A Clear Takeaway
Every single slide should have a clear takeaway. Also, make sure to keep it to one chart per slide. Too much material crammed onto one slide will not get your point across as it will overload information onto your listeners, who will soon stop listening. Always, always, always make sure your charts are labelled clearly and don’t include any extraneous information that will not add your point.

Have Clear Takeaways
Always Provide The Context
When it comes to presenting information, it’s always better to assume that your listeners have no idea what the context of the data is. This can be easily done by adding a text box that explicitly tells what you’re trying to convey with the data. If someone can click through your presentation and understand everything without you having to explain it, you’re good to go.
Use An Appendix
If you feel there is additional important information that can be provided, you can always utilize an appendix. However, keep in mind that you do not need to go through it when presenting, much like you don’t need to go through every single indicator metric. The more you share, the less engaged your listeners will be. Sharing the key information only is the goal here. Anyone who wants to know more on their own can refer to the appendix on their own time.

Have The Next Steps Ready
Summarize The Next Steps
After you’re done presenting everything, make sure you have a summary that includes team deliverables and a task list. This way, everyone who has been listening is hopefully persuaded by your well presented data and is ready to take the next steps necessary in accomplishing the overarching goal.